ღ >.< ღ

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last day of 2009!

This year past by fast, now its almost 2010. 2010 is the year of the Tiger, I heard that Chinese New years start on feb.4.(if I'm wrong sorry), but anyways, the year of the Tiger officailly starts on Feb. 4. 2010, at 6:42 am in the morning. Random, but amazing, heard it on the radio. Thats all I have for now. Happy New Year.

P.S. I really wanted to post on the last day of the year, missed my chance to post on my b-day T.T

Sunday, August 23, 2009

1st Day of School!

Today, I love my classes, because I have friends in each and every one of them! I'm happy, but Junior year seems REALLY hard. I hope for the good and wish for the best.

First day of class, there is a 2-page essay due the next day. Wow. Well its better than any other topic. Its about me. I'm not sure what I'll talk about. It said talk about school life and experience with reading and writting. For some reason, I don't think it would fill up two pages. Right now, I have 3/4 of page one filled but mainly about my school life and a bit of summer.

>.< Well that's it for today, I'll add more if I have more to say...later~ probably about 2 months later....probably not....BING!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Are you hungry?

Today, at 2:00pm, we(me and Lisa) have a meeting with the couceler to change classes. When we reached there, it was 1:50ish, so we asked and the conceler was at a meeting. We waited for 20 min, came back and asked, another 20 min, and 15 min., 2 times, and more time. We waited for about 2 hours. In that time, we met Elana and Eric. We chat,then elana got to couceler, and we chat again. Eric tried to sit between me and Lisa didn't work. Then a while later he atempeted to hug us. Of course I ran away, but I ran to fast while I was trying to stop. I tripped and fell on my butt. It still hurts. Then we waited more, and finally got to see her. By that time it was 3:45 or somethng around there. Well I was changing semester 2 classes. But since I wanna try it out then I didn't change anything but Lisa did. We got a new couceler, not well organized, talkes alot, wastes time, and slow. I like the old one better, even though, yes she is slow, she is alot faster then the other one, and can communicate easily. The other one, feels like "Change it or not, I gotta leave"
Well, I didn't change it and went home. After I went home, the puppies were on my foot while I was walking. Like following me everywhere. I was hungry, and I got ceral and milk. I warmed up the milk, and the puppies left after I said something. So I got the milk out of the microwave after warming it up a little. I was hungry, so I hoped that no one bothers me when I bring the cup of milk over. Unfortunatly, my mom had to be the one to walk out in front of me. So I told her about the couclers. Guess what? She got mad saying, its not her fault. I was wondering "What is she thinking?" and she went on thinking I was mad at the concelers and pushed off the anger on her. But the truth is, I was HUNGRY, and she was in the way. When people are hungry, they might go mad or something. My case, I WANT TO EAT, w/o bother.

After the orentation on tues, 8/18/09, Lisa gave all her stuff(paper from orentation to me. So I just kept it. Then I asked her if she still want the paper or not I CLEARLY heard that she doens't want it. Today, I decided to clean all the papers out. Then I was ruffling through all the papers and found the military relase info stuff. At 8:20 somewhere around there, Lisa asked why I signed her Military non release info form out. I was just trying to write her name(not the signature part). Then she came over and started yelling to me that why are there so less papers HUH? Then we argued loudly. AND really? she had her stuff over my place for 2 days straight w/o touching it! Then she claimed that she said CLEARLY to put her papers on her DESK. Well then she said why is there so less papers? Well, she also asked for the booklet. I mean... she didn't even hand me a booklet, and she was yelling abotu the booklet. Then my mom said and talked about not tossing things away like a diary for an instance you don't toss everything away and give only 2 peices of paper back, you still keep it. TRUE, but she said I could toss it away, I just hate it, she made me find the BOOKLET, from the garbage can. I did. I tossed out all the papers from the garbage can. Guess what? There all my garbage from the orentation. I'm pissed, and I got hit, and so to release my anger, I ripped everything(papers from orentation) from the garbage can, because I don't need it anymore. Then I typed this hoping it would relase the anger. It didn't! I'm still mad, I feel like I just want to just rip and break everything in her room. I would feel better, but then would get scared of her fighting me. I want to talk to someone!!!! I'm going crazy, I'll never keep anything for her again, ever, and I mean it. But I don't do it for some rason. In fact I hate my day. HATE IT, HATE IT, HATE IT!! Think I feel better now.

Also, gotta finnish SH5... on chp 5~ such progress.

>.< I hope to finnish it tonight like have a straight night w/o sleeping. Hope I can do it. This would be my second time.
First time: researching and typing the spch on Jelly Beans for a Imformative Spch.

(8/23/09) Today, I'm sad, why? In the morning, I found out Lucky LOOKED like she was pregnant. How? Like humans, not used to have something in stomach, fake throw up(don't know the exact word) she was like that. I am sad, so I wish for her to only have one baby if she is pregnant, if not then yay! Hope she's not.

>.< School starts in 1 day

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Albany Bulb! Costco or Pacfic East Mall?

Today, I woke up at 7 due to a noisy engine outside of the house, turns out to be a bus. I fell alseep and woke up at 9:45am around there, and went to Barnes and Noble at 10:30, by the time Lisa and I got there it was 10:37, and we met Lauren there. We met, sat and read books until 12:00. Then we went to Irene's house to pick her up, and got a ride to Albany Bulb. It was near the Berkely Harbor, the Horse Racing place. There was a lot of rocks and the sand was contaminated with oil spills. When we got to the sand part, Irene said "Let's make sand castles!". We did, but the first one was called a dribble castle. None of us now what dribble caslte was since Irene said it. We asked and she demonstrated it. It was sand near the sea and drop it to the sand floor.

Later, Lauren and Irene was making a sand castle and it was like a big bun(something you could eat). Then Irene said, "Lets make a fort next to it." We did. I realized and said "Let's make a turtle!" Lauren and Irene put the arms, legs and tail on it and Lisa poke the eyes. Then we got a stick and poked it on the shell with a seaweed strand.

Time goes by, we played around, then walked up the hill, we saw an abandoned harbor so we walked over there. Lisa and Irene went down to climb on it, the harbor was like in ruins. Lauren and I stayed behind because we both thought it was dangerous. When Irene and Lisa got there, Lauren took pictures. They came back and we walked up a bit and saw a fisher, so we decided to go down there. But by the time we got there, it looked dangerous, so we just hanged around the trees. Irene and I went back to the sand, while leaving Lisa and Lauren. Along the way we talked about school related stuff. A while later, we went back up the hill to pick up Lisa and Lauren. Then we left.

On the way back, we saw people going into the Horse racing game. At first, we all thought there was a talking horse because there was a tree in the way. We noticed there was a person who was giving instructions where to go. We then saw some signs abotu what this place was, that was filled with oil contamination, like land fill. It had birds, and fish in it according to the signs for sight-see. We walked on the bike lane back to costco. Along the way, Irene said I have an idea,(I forgot which side) poke to the right if you see a blue car, poke to the right if you see and red car. Then later, someone said, say "moo" when you see a white car. Well I did for the poking but the mooing... I just skipped it. There were also sprinklers so everyone except for me went to the sprinklers. There were byciclists so we were avoiding them. Also! We found a great quote of graffiti, it said "More bikes, less war" I think it said that. When we reached to the stop sign we were wondering whether we should go to Costco ot Pacific East Mall. Lauren and Lisa did "Rock, Paper, Sissor" to find out. wWe went to Pacific East Mall.

In the mall, we went to this shop(didn't look at the name) across boba to eat. Lauren treated us all(Thanks Lauren, but feels guilty). We bought 2 fresh watermellon juice and got 2 free. Total-- $6.00 something(I think, I forgot)(drinks). Then bought waffles, Lauren and Irene both bought 3 and if you buy 3, you get one free. Total-- $8.00? We ate, drank and saw Serena, and said hi.

Then we went to Barnes and Noble to the bathroom and read books, and went home. Took the long cut(opposite of short cut if you don't know what it means--I don't know the word for long way, so I say long-cut... people understand so Im too lazy to find the accual word for it) home.

>.< My mom told me to go up stairs to eat dessert but before that she said "Are you awake yet?" instead of saying "When your finnished writting(This post) come up stairs and eat tomato."

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Vacation on Tahoe

Yesterday, my family and I went to Lake Tahoe. We woke up at 6:30 am and packed everything. We also brought2 dogs, Lucky, and Happy(my aunts) After we got on the freeway, our first stop was the restroom on a gas station, unfortunatly, the part-timer said, the key to the bathroom broke....in half when someone tried to open the bathroom... Well, since theres no bathroom, we went to Mcdonalds for a bathroom break. By the time we started to head to Tahoe again, it was around 9:00am I think, I didn't check the time, but I heard it was aroud there. My cousin, sister and I played cards. Along the way, I fell alseep, but the time I woke up, I heard a scream. Guess what? Everyone didn't stop them, unfortunaly, the dogs were doing "it". And no, I don't want her pregnant. I was really mad, so I was thinking when I had time I would revenge on the boy dog I think I hit him. On the other hand, Lucky, I was threanting her about what happens if shes pregnant. I'm still worried, weither she is or not.

Time passed and we are in Tahoe. We payed $7 for entrance fee on a beach I guess. We played, ate, and changed to swim gear and sprayed sun block. The water felt like the swimming pool, the teperature Lisa swam first, so she said that when she swims underwater, it hurts her nose, in other wordsit feels like needles stabbing you. I tried to avoid swimming underwater, which was ok at first. Then while chasing my sister, on accident, I went underwater, my nose hurted a lot. After we got out of the water, Lisa went to the sand to burry her foot because she was cold. So I copied. Then she covered her leg, but I helped cover her foot. We found a bottle cap, but someone thought it was a whole bottle.

The werid thing abotu Tahoe is when you look in the water, it looks like gold peices are floating, but its accually ashes, I think its ashes. Well, after a while, my parents saw people kayaking, they went and rented one for $20, for an hour. Its provided with 2 life jackets. It was the kind that can hold up to 720 pounds(4 people), it has pedals on it and a steel for stearing the wheel.

After a while, my sister and I went to play with it along with my cousin. so it was like this. My sister and I pedaled while my cousin sat in front, we kayaked for 20min. probably. My cousin is just wearing one change of clothing, in other words, he has no clothing to change, in case he gets wet in the water. He also had a celphone on him.In the beginning, we were just circling. Along the way, my cousin said "See, isn't great to have two cousins (cousins that are younger)?" Both Lisa and I didn't like what he just said, so at the same time, kinda stoped the boat and kinda kicked him on the back. He almost fell in. It was so hard to get some distance since it was 3 people on the kayak, instead of two. Going back to shore was the hardest, stearing the wheel, and we kept on going in cirlces. My sister and I also had a chance of changing seats with our cousin, since we were going no where. It was fun sitting, instead of biking the kayak. When you sit, it seems like then kayak is slow, but when biking it, you use all your strenth and it still doesn't go anywhere fast. Before we went back to shore, we went to a pole(wood) that floats, my cousin and sister touched it before going back. By the time we went back we found our dad under the sand, with a head only and a hat on him, it looks like a watermellon with a hat from far away.

After we got back to shore, I got a short sleeve and hat, so I wont get a sunburn (wearing swimgear) and kept kayaking. We had 10 minutes left before returning the kayak. This time, two more people boarded. My aunt and mom. My mom and cousin sat in front while my aunt sat in the back, the rest are steerring the wheel. I just didn't have time to wear the life jacket so I just handed it to my mom and said "Wear it" The annoying thing was my mom kept on screaming about "We are going to sink!" because the boat was 1/3 in water. I said even if we did sink, you have a life jacket on. Later, near the shore, people jumped off the kayak. Before we even reached the shore, you can touch the ground even though were like 3 ft away. First was my aunt, then my cousin after we reached the shore, then Lisa. The amazing thing is that if you walk on water, you can even go faster than kayaking. My mom and I returned the kayak, but we asked Lisa's help to push us so we can get there faster.

After returning the kayak, we played in the water a bit, but I didn't really as much because I wore the short seleve and felt lazy about taking it off. A while later my dad woke up, and went to the water to wash off the sand. It turns out that my dad din't put sunblock on so he had red marks. We ate again, but this time its snacks. Then we all changed our clothing.

My uncle drove back for 15 min. then we stopped again and played near the creek. It was fun, lots of nice pictures, my dad even tried to put Lucky on a rock where the creek water was running. Then Happy, my aunts dog, barked like saying "stop it". We took a group picture, and my aunt lost her hat there. Then we went home.

>.< Along the way I sat in the back of the car with my cousin and sis, I changed seats everytime we took a stop because someone took my seat or I don't want to sit in the middle, but ended up sitting there anyway.

Changing seats: Seat 1 Seat 2 Seat 3
--> Seat 1, 2, 1, 3, 3

Also I stepped on sand that is like rock with wood, so I kinda cut the bottom of my foot, its a tiny one though

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New age and music video

Today, I started to make a movie, because I wanted to, on the puppies life from a baby up til now. The reason: so I can keep a memory of it, with pictures since birth. But one of my family members birthday is comming up and we are celebrating it early because everyone had time today. I didn't know we were going to celebrate it today. I planned to make the movie and give it to the birthday person. So I found out about it at 4 or 5 pm, and the dinner is at 7. I thought it was some other day of this week, but it didn't quite turn out the way I thought it would be.

I finnished the touch ups, so I asked everyone what they thinked about it. There was 2 positive votes and a negative. The negative was they want the main music because it was sad, then after it was changed, she said that it was better if the soundtrack has no lyrics, but by then, it was 5 pm. I found all the songs I had that were instrumental. Of course I found one, but half way through the music, there was lyrics in it. But when I saw it on the site, it said no lyrics but just instrumental. I was dissapointed, so I tried to find instrumental online, yes, I found one, but it was a sad one, so I just kept the song I had on the movie, and rendered the file. After the file was renederd, I tried testing it. When I was about to test it, it was 6:48~ around there. The T.V. plugged with a DVD player was unplugged, along with the DVD player. When I tested it, I didn't have time, even though I plugged the wires in, it was time to go. so I just took the DVD out, wrapped it, and went to the place were everyone was suppose to meet.

In the afternoon, we made mochi, probably that was the reason why it took up so much time.

That was basically my whole day... I wonder why, ussually it takes me like 10-30 min. Probably because of the songs. But I had a fun day, but Windows Movie Maker, happliy this time didn't freeze but it kept going back to the front when I was trying to cut music at then end, near the credit section... T.T didn't like that part.

By the time we came home it was night time, about one hour later, we ate watermellon. I ate one peice and 10 minutes later, I had a raspy voice.... I still have the raspy voice one hour later. T.T, I'm sleepy.

>.< I'm pretty sure the DVD doesn't work because it was last minute testing. I'll make another render and test it again...tommorow.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Pressure on time

Today, after swim practice, on the way home on a red light, I said "Hey in front, there's fog comming out of that car." Then my mom said in chinese that its not fog its smog. But she also said something in english, she said something first, but I didn't catch it until she said "smooky". I think she meant to say smoky or something realted to that. But when I first heard it, I thought she said "moopy".

Well, two hours after we(me and Lisa)went home, we left to CCC to request for transcript. Then went to pay a visit at Lauren's house. We chat, watched T.V. sat, listened to some music and talked to a family member. Then we left the house to catch a bus to 12st, to go to meeting(I guess) and discussed about this program. Along the way, we met Julie, also going to this invititaion from Cal(swim coach), she brought us there, because we didn't know where it was.

People who I know came to the program:(sorry if I forgot your name): Serena, Lisa, Laura, Lauren, Jen, Connie, Shawn, Julie(represents ECHS), Cal (representative), (Kevin and Vincent?) There was a talk about what they did the past year, and convincing people to join because it was fun. Then when talking was over, we played "Octopus"(unfortunalty, there is more names to the game but forgot). Its like a swim drill, on dry land(exercises).

How to Play: Similar to Tag
1)Three people would be "it"
2)A group of kids would run over to the saftey zone, which is the other side of the yard etc.
3)The three kids would try to tag them, if tagged your it
4)If your it, you would be a tagger, you can tag the other people running around.
5)The last person standing would recive a prize (I think it was a colar shirt?)

Then back to talking again, passing out awards, because of donation, and giving lots of help the to program. In the end, everyone got to eat, but the person who got a prize, got to go eat first then the others. Before, we ate, there was also a dragon dance, the drums were so loud that my ears hurted a lot.

Then, Shizun(I think that is his name...sorry if its wrong) came along, and then some people played cards, while the other people played "ma-jong"(A chinese game -- check the rest of the details online). Then while playing Cal asked us to take a picture with the lion(dragon dance lion). Then we went to sign another event held for this program becaause Cal recommended to. Then everyone who was still there, took a group picture. After the picture, some still played, and someone played piano. While playing... we need to help everyone pack up, so we stopped and help pack up.

Not long later, Lauren, Lisa and Laura went home. The event of where people talk, was really boring, because, the mic was kinda off, and it was blurred, so you can't hear it well.

At night time, when we(family) were going to eat fruit, I was at the place where it was like a mini living room upstairs, well I'm not sure what it is called. Its a place where the stairs are. While Lisa brough the fruit up, I was there and she was also holding a knife, I didn't notice because the lights were off. Then she just ran up, and almost stabbed me.... I kinda saw it when she was near me. It was scary. Also! the peach had belly button. Its true, it looked like one.

>.< I am so tired. "Smooky"

Friday, August 7, 2009

Scar for life?

Today, towards the end of morning practice(swim), I hit my hand on the lane line, and a chunk of my meat is gone(skin and flesh). It was bleeding some, even after I finished changing. Then I went up to the person who receives money so you can go in the pool, and asked for a band-aid. I asked "Do you have a band-aid?" and "Can I have a band-aid?" I know it sounds weird. The person also asked if the band-aid was large enough. I said "yes, and thank you" so fast even I can barley hear what I said. Then the next steps are obviously disinfectant and put band-aid on. Also during the warm-down (cool-down during the end of swimming), I had a leg cramp and we need to do a 50 kick and breast stroke, I was struggling with it. While kicking I only used one foot, so I was going really slow, and breast stroke was hard...to swim. Something else happened today, but unfortunately, I forgot what happened.

>.< Couple days ago, someone called me "You so slopid". They meant to say
"you so slow + stupid".

Sunday, August 2, 2009

GGBC ~ Golden Gate Badminton Club

Today, we [Lisa, Lauren, me, and Lauren's friends (sorry, I forgot some of the names)] went to GGBC to play badminton, it was a fun day towards the end. Yeah forgot to mention, I almost forgot my racket after changing shoes.... Overall today I learned some new things from Will(or William?) and a few other people. I give you my thanks.

>.< I don't know what else there is to say, I give you my thanks for teaching.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Life of Summer '09

Today is the last day of summer school. Finals are over. I'm kinda scared for the outcome, but anyway, I'm happy that schools over. The next assignment I have to complete in a week is "Slaughter-House 5". Right now, I'm in the library, with a headache. Currently, I'm suppose to go to P.E. because I wanted to relax.... thought it would be yoga or something. Turns out it was work-out with tread mills etc. I don't feel like wasting energy, but feels guilty. I feel guilty because I kinda want to not go to P.E., and I told Lauren that I would go -Sorry Lauren. I also found a relaxing picture... I think, I'm not sure, I'm being werid, probably because I am lacking lots of sleep. Haven't slept a good night this week, because on Monday, I didn't sleep all night, Tuesday, slept at Midnight. Wendsday, I didn't sleep until midnight also becasuse I was typing notes for final, one page front back(I didn't finnish, so continued writting in the school library).

>.< I want sleep

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Speech, Ups and Downs

(7/14) Today, I went on stage (in front of class) and did my Oral Interpretation. Oral Interpretation is a peice of published writing and you read it with emotions to convey this story to audiece. It was more fun than giving a professional speech. I get to do what I like to make emotions to the literature. yay! Also, today I went to CCC Library to learn about SAT, and get a SAT booklet(wkbk) ended up I was late... the story behind it.... I got out of class went to Lisa's class and remembered that I told her I would be going to CCC library so don't pick me up. It takes 30 min from class to library. From Moser lane(72R) I walked the bart trail to CCC lib. When I got off the bus, I had 10 min. left, so I went to the bart trail to walk to CCC lib(Its shady and short cut). The session starts at 1 o' clock, so I was 2 mins late. All the SAT wkbs were gone, but I learn some stuff from the SAT lecture. After it ended they said they would e-mail us the booklet. Yay!

(7/16)Today, in speech class, we wrote down 3 topics for a mini 2 min. speech, after the teacher discussed about visual aids in class. When I picked, I got three topics:

1. Why transportation is better than driving(Ipicked this one)
2. Why do you plan to go to college
3. What is your favorite food

When it was my turn, the first half of the speech was good, but the other half was a disaster because I only had 2 min. to make up my mind of what I'm goint to say. The disaster is I forgot and lost track of what I was going to say and I froze for wether 2-7 seconds in silence(its embarassing). In the end, I did a wrap up before time was up, I started to mess up after I saw the time I had left.

>.< Goodbye for now, hw time.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Summer 09

This is my first Blog in Summer 2009. Currently, I'm am taking Writing Workshop: Style and Grammar and Speech 120 in other words, public speaking. This summer, I like my classes compared to last year, because there is less stress and more fun. Writing Workshop is a two hour long class, only taking notes and some activities. In Speech 120, it is also a two hour course, but the teacher makes the class fun. This class only contain students in college, but fortunately I made friends.

ღ >.< ღ Fun times