Today is the last day of summer school. Finals are over. I'm kinda scared for the outcome, but anyway, I'm happy that schools over. The next assignment I have to complete in a week is "Slaughter-House 5". Right now, I'm in the library, with a headache. Currently, I'm suppose to go to P.E. because I wanted to relax.... thought it would be yoga or something. Turns out it was work-out with tread mills etc. I don't feel like wasting energy, but feels guilty. I feel guilty because I kinda want to not go to P.E., and I told Lauren that I would go -Sorry Lauren. I also found a relaxing picture... I think, I'm not sure, I'm being werid, probably because I am lacking lots of sleep. Haven't slept a good night this week, because on Monday, I didn't sleep all night, Tuesday, slept at Midnight. Wendsday, I didn't sleep until midnight also becasuse I was typing notes for final, one page front back(I didn't finnish, so continued writting in the school library).
>.< I want sleep
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