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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Albany Bulb! Costco or Pacfic East Mall?

Today, I woke up at 7 due to a noisy engine outside of the house, turns out to be a bus. I fell alseep and woke up at 9:45am around there, and went to Barnes and Noble at 10:30, by the time Lisa and I got there it was 10:37, and we met Lauren there. We met, sat and read books until 12:00. Then we went to Irene's house to pick her up, and got a ride to Albany Bulb. It was near the Berkely Harbor, the Horse Racing place. There was a lot of rocks and the sand was contaminated with oil spills. When we got to the sand part, Irene said "Let's make sand castles!". We did, but the first one was called a dribble castle. None of us now what dribble caslte was since Irene said it. We asked and she demonstrated it. It was sand near the sea and drop it to the sand floor.

Later, Lauren and Irene was making a sand castle and it was like a big bun(something you could eat). Then Irene said, "Lets make a fort next to it." We did. I realized and said "Let's make a turtle!" Lauren and Irene put the arms, legs and tail on it and Lisa poke the eyes. Then we got a stick and poked it on the shell with a seaweed strand.

Time goes by, we played around, then walked up the hill, we saw an abandoned harbor so we walked over there. Lisa and Irene went down to climb on it, the harbor was like in ruins. Lauren and I stayed behind because we both thought it was dangerous. When Irene and Lisa got there, Lauren took pictures. They came back and we walked up a bit and saw a fisher, so we decided to go down there. But by the time we got there, it looked dangerous, so we just hanged around the trees. Irene and I went back to the sand, while leaving Lisa and Lauren. Along the way we talked about school related stuff. A while later, we went back up the hill to pick up Lisa and Lauren. Then we left.

On the way back, we saw people going into the Horse racing game. At first, we all thought there was a talking horse because there was a tree in the way. We noticed there was a person who was giving instructions where to go. We then saw some signs abotu what this place was, that was filled with oil contamination, like land fill. It had birds, and fish in it according to the signs for sight-see. We walked on the bike lane back to costco. Along the way, Irene said I have an idea,(I forgot which side) poke to the right if you see a blue car, poke to the right if you see and red car. Then later, someone said, say "moo" when you see a white car. Well I did for the poking but the mooing... I just skipped it. There were also sprinklers so everyone except for me went to the sprinklers. There were byciclists so we were avoiding them. Also! We found a great quote of graffiti, it said "More bikes, less war" I think it said that. When we reached to the stop sign we were wondering whether we should go to Costco ot Pacific East Mall. Lauren and Lisa did "Rock, Paper, Sissor" to find out. wWe went to Pacific East Mall.

In the mall, we went to this shop(didn't look at the name) across boba to eat. Lauren treated us all(Thanks Lauren, but feels guilty). We bought 2 fresh watermellon juice and got 2 free. Total-- $6.00 something(I think, I forgot)(drinks). Then bought waffles, Lauren and Irene both bought 3 and if you buy 3, you get one free. Total-- $8.00? We ate, drank and saw Serena, and said hi.

Then we went to Barnes and Noble to the bathroom and read books, and went home. Took the long cut(opposite of short cut if you don't know what it means--I don't know the word for long way, so I say long-cut... people understand so Im too lazy to find the accual word for it) home.

>.< My mom told me to go up stairs to eat dessert but before that she said "Are you awake yet?" instead of saying "When your finnished writting(This post) come up stairs and eat tomato."

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