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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Vacation on Tahoe

Yesterday, my family and I went to Lake Tahoe. We woke up at 6:30 am and packed everything. We also brought2 dogs, Lucky, and Happy(my aunts) After we got on the freeway, our first stop was the restroom on a gas station, unfortunatly, the part-timer said, the key to the bathroom broke....in half when someone tried to open the bathroom... Well, since theres no bathroom, we went to Mcdonalds for a bathroom break. By the time we started to head to Tahoe again, it was around 9:00am I think, I didn't check the time, but I heard it was aroud there. My cousin, sister and I played cards. Along the way, I fell alseep, but the time I woke up, I heard a scream. Guess what? Everyone didn't stop them, unfortunaly, the dogs were doing "it". And no, I don't want her pregnant. I was really mad, so I was thinking when I had time I would revenge on the boy dog I think I hit him. On the other hand, Lucky, I was threanting her about what happens if shes pregnant. I'm still worried, weither she is or not.

Time passed and we are in Tahoe. We payed $7 for entrance fee on a beach I guess. We played, ate, and changed to swim gear and sprayed sun block. The water felt like the swimming pool, the teperature Lisa swam first, so she said that when she swims underwater, it hurts her nose, in other wordsit feels like needles stabbing you. I tried to avoid swimming underwater, which was ok at first. Then while chasing my sister, on accident, I went underwater, my nose hurted a lot. After we got out of the water, Lisa went to the sand to burry her foot because she was cold. So I copied. Then she covered her leg, but I helped cover her foot. We found a bottle cap, but someone thought it was a whole bottle.

The werid thing abotu Tahoe is when you look in the water, it looks like gold peices are floating, but its accually ashes, I think its ashes. Well, after a while, my parents saw people kayaking, they went and rented one for $20, for an hour. Its provided with 2 life jackets. It was the kind that can hold up to 720 pounds(4 people), it has pedals on it and a steel for stearing the wheel.

After a while, my sister and I went to play with it along with my cousin. so it was like this. My sister and I pedaled while my cousin sat in front, we kayaked for 20min. probably. My cousin is just wearing one change of clothing, in other words, he has no clothing to change, in case he gets wet in the water. He also had a celphone on him.In the beginning, we were just circling. Along the way, my cousin said "See, isn't great to have two cousins (cousins that are younger)?" Both Lisa and I didn't like what he just said, so at the same time, kinda stoped the boat and kinda kicked him on the back. He almost fell in. It was so hard to get some distance since it was 3 people on the kayak, instead of two. Going back to shore was the hardest, stearing the wheel, and we kept on going in cirlces. My sister and I also had a chance of changing seats with our cousin, since we were going no where. It was fun sitting, instead of biking the kayak. When you sit, it seems like then kayak is slow, but when biking it, you use all your strenth and it still doesn't go anywhere fast. Before we went back to shore, we went to a pole(wood) that floats, my cousin and sister touched it before going back. By the time we went back we found our dad under the sand, with a head only and a hat on him, it looks like a watermellon with a hat from far away.

After we got back to shore, I got a short sleeve and hat, so I wont get a sunburn (wearing swimgear) and kept kayaking. We had 10 minutes left before returning the kayak. This time, two more people boarded. My aunt and mom. My mom and cousin sat in front while my aunt sat in the back, the rest are steerring the wheel. I just didn't have time to wear the life jacket so I just handed it to my mom and said "Wear it" The annoying thing was my mom kept on screaming about "We are going to sink!" because the boat was 1/3 in water. I said even if we did sink, you have a life jacket on. Later, near the shore, people jumped off the kayak. Before we even reached the shore, you can touch the ground even though were like 3 ft away. First was my aunt, then my cousin after we reached the shore, then Lisa. The amazing thing is that if you walk on water, you can even go faster than kayaking. My mom and I returned the kayak, but we asked Lisa's help to push us so we can get there faster.

After returning the kayak, we played in the water a bit, but I didn't really as much because I wore the short seleve and felt lazy about taking it off. A while later my dad woke up, and went to the water to wash off the sand. It turns out that my dad din't put sunblock on so he had red marks. We ate again, but this time its snacks. Then we all changed our clothing.

My uncle drove back for 15 min. then we stopped again and played near the creek. It was fun, lots of nice pictures, my dad even tried to put Lucky on a rock where the creek water was running. Then Happy, my aunts dog, barked like saying "stop it". We took a group picture, and my aunt lost her hat there. Then we went home.

>.< Along the way I sat in the back of the car with my cousin and sis, I changed seats everytime we took a stop because someone took my seat or I don't want to sit in the middle, but ended up sitting there anyway.

Changing seats: Seat 1 Seat 2 Seat 3
--> Seat 1, 2, 1, 3, 3

Also I stepped on sand that is like rock with wood, so I kinda cut the bottom of my foot, its a tiny one though

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