ღ >.< ღ

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Are you hungry?

Today, at 2:00pm, we(me and Lisa) have a meeting with the couceler to change classes. When we reached there, it was 1:50ish, so we asked and the conceler was at a meeting. We waited for 20 min, came back and asked, another 20 min, and 15 min., 2 times, and more time. We waited for about 2 hours. In that time, we met Elana and Eric. We chat,then elana got to couceler, and we chat again. Eric tried to sit between me and Lisa didn't work. Then a while later he atempeted to hug us. Of course I ran away, but I ran to fast while I was trying to stop. I tripped and fell on my butt. It still hurts. Then we waited more, and finally got to see her. By that time it was 3:45 or somethng around there. Well I was changing semester 2 classes. But since I wanna try it out then I didn't change anything but Lisa did. We got a new couceler, not well organized, talkes alot, wastes time, and slow. I like the old one better, even though, yes she is slow, she is alot faster then the other one, and can communicate easily. The other one, feels like "Change it or not, I gotta leave"
Well, I didn't change it and went home. After I went home, the puppies were on my foot while I was walking. Like following me everywhere. I was hungry, and I got ceral and milk. I warmed up the milk, and the puppies left after I said something. So I got the milk out of the microwave after warming it up a little. I was hungry, so I hoped that no one bothers me when I bring the cup of milk over. Unfortunatly, my mom had to be the one to walk out in front of me. So I told her about the couclers. Guess what? She got mad saying, its not her fault. I was wondering "What is she thinking?" and she went on thinking I was mad at the concelers and pushed off the anger on her. But the truth is, I was HUNGRY, and she was in the way. When people are hungry, they might go mad or something. My case, I WANT TO EAT, w/o bother.

After the orentation on tues, 8/18/09, Lisa gave all her stuff(paper from orentation to me. So I just kept it. Then I asked her if she still want the paper or not I CLEARLY heard that she doens't want it. Today, I decided to clean all the papers out. Then I was ruffling through all the papers and found the military relase info stuff. At 8:20 somewhere around there, Lisa asked why I signed her Military non release info form out. I was just trying to write her name(not the signature part). Then she came over and started yelling to me that why are there so less papers HUH? Then we argued loudly. AND really? she had her stuff over my place for 2 days straight w/o touching it! Then she claimed that she said CLEARLY to put her papers on her DESK. Well then she said why is there so less papers? Well, she also asked for the booklet. I mean... she didn't even hand me a booklet, and she was yelling abotu the booklet. Then my mom said and talked about not tossing things away like a diary for an instance you don't toss everything away and give only 2 peices of paper back, you still keep it. TRUE, but she said I could toss it away, I just hate it, she made me find the BOOKLET, from the garbage can. I did. I tossed out all the papers from the garbage can. Guess what? There all my garbage from the orentation. I'm pissed, and I got hit, and so to release my anger, I ripped everything(papers from orentation) from the garbage can, because I don't need it anymore. Then I typed this hoping it would relase the anger. It didn't! I'm still mad, I feel like I just want to just rip and break everything in her room. I would feel better, but then would get scared of her fighting me. I want to talk to someone!!!! I'm going crazy, I'll never keep anything for her again, ever, and I mean it. But I don't do it for some rason. In fact I hate my day. HATE IT, HATE IT, HATE IT!! Think I feel better now.

Also, gotta finnish SH5... on chp 5~ such progress.

>.< I hope to finnish it tonight like have a straight night w/o sleeping. Hope I can do it. This would be my second time.
First time: researching and typing the spch on Jelly Beans for a Imformative Spch.

(8/23/09) Today, I'm sad, why? In the morning, I found out Lucky LOOKED like she was pregnant. How? Like humans, not used to have something in stomach, fake throw up(don't know the exact word) she was like that. I am sad, so I wish for her to only have one baby if she is pregnant, if not then yay! Hope she's not.

>.< School starts in 1 day

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