ღ >.< ღ

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Life of Summer '09

Today is the last day of summer school. Finals are over. I'm kinda scared for the outcome, but anyway, I'm happy that schools over. The next assignment I have to complete in a week is "Slaughter-House 5". Right now, I'm in the library, with a headache. Currently, I'm suppose to go to P.E. because I wanted to relax.... thought it would be yoga or something. Turns out it was work-out with tread mills etc. I don't feel like wasting energy, but feels guilty. I feel guilty because I kinda want to not go to P.E., and I told Lauren that I would go -Sorry Lauren. I also found a relaxing picture... I think, I'm not sure, I'm being werid, probably because I am lacking lots of sleep. Haven't slept a good night this week, because on Monday, I didn't sleep all night, Tuesday, slept at Midnight. Wendsday, I didn't sleep until midnight also becasuse I was typing notes for final, one page front back(I didn't finnish, so continued writting in the school library).

>.< I want sleep

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Speech, Ups and Downs

(7/14) Today, I went on stage (in front of class) and did my Oral Interpretation. Oral Interpretation is a peice of published writing and you read it with emotions to convey this story to audiece. It was more fun than giving a professional speech. I get to do what I like to make emotions to the literature. yay! Also, today I went to CCC Library to learn about SAT, and get a SAT booklet(wkbk) ended up I was late... the story behind it.... I got out of class went to Lisa's class and remembered that I told her I would be going to CCC library so don't pick me up. It takes 30 min from class to library. From Moser lane(72R) I walked the bart trail to CCC lib. When I got off the bus, I had 10 min. left, so I went to the bart trail to walk to CCC lib(Its shady and short cut). The session starts at 1 o' clock, so I was 2 mins late. All the SAT wkbs were gone, but I learn some stuff from the SAT lecture. After it ended they said they would e-mail us the booklet. Yay!

(7/16)Today, in speech class, we wrote down 3 topics for a mini 2 min. speech, after the teacher discussed about visual aids in class. When I picked, I got three topics:

1. Why transportation is better than driving(Ipicked this one)
2. Why do you plan to go to college
3. What is your favorite food

When it was my turn, the first half of the speech was good, but the other half was a disaster because I only had 2 min. to make up my mind of what I'm goint to say. The disaster is I forgot and lost track of what I was going to say and I froze for wether 2-7 seconds in silence(its embarassing). In the end, I did a wrap up before time was up, I started to mess up after I saw the time I had left.

>.< Goodbye for now, hw time.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Summer 09

This is my first Blog in Summer 2009. Currently, I'm am taking Writing Workshop: Style and Grammar and Speech 120 in other words, public speaking. This summer, I like my classes compared to last year, because there is less stress and more fun. Writing Workshop is a two hour long class, only taking notes and some activities. In Speech 120, it is also a two hour course, but the teacher makes the class fun. This class only contain students in college, but fortunately I made friends.

ღ >.< ღ Fun times